Saturday, October 9, 2010

Service Learning Blog Reflection

We have just completed our project for the first trimester of our Service Learning class. I would like you to reflect on the presentations you saw in class this week, and especially on your own project and presentation, and respond to the following questions. Please post your reflection as a comment on this posting.

  1. How successful do you think your Art as Service project was? What made it successful and what would you do differently?
  2. How will your project serve others and whom will it serve?
  3. Is there anything you will do to follow up on this project?
  4. How do you define service?

When you are done writing your reflection and posting it, make sure you respond to the reflections of at least three other students.

Please use your best grammar and remember to be respectful of the ideas and thoughts of your fellow students.


  1. SAMPLE STUDENT POST - use this as a guideline for your own post - by Ms. Reilly

    I think that my Art as Service project: Mural of Unity was very successful. My group interviewed a total of 15 middle school students about what they thought symbolized unity, and then we designed a really cool mural to reflect all of their ideas. I really like the way it turned out, and I liked working with my group members. I also like drawing, so I liked working on the mural. I think it will serve everyone in middle school by reminding us to be unified, and bringing together the ideas of our community. It will also serve people who visit our school because they will see how important unity is to us, and maybe that will influence them to unite with their communities. As a follow-up we want to paint the mural on a wall in the Open Space, so we're going to talk to the Middle School Director and our art teacher about doing that. My idea of service is something that benefits at least one other person.

  2. SAMPLE STUDENT POST 2 - use this as a guideline for your own post - by Ms. Reilly

    Our project was DanceAbility, in which we showed that all kinds of people can dance, even if they have a physical disability. We did it so that people with disabilities could see that they can participate in this art form, and to educate other people about all of the things that people with disabilities are capable of. It was really successful, because several people said to us afterwards that they had never thought about how anyone can dance, and there are all kinds of ways to dance. We think that it served all the audience members and anyone with disabilities who might hear about it. We would like to follow up by making a video of our performance and letting other schools watch it, so more people will be educated by our project. I think that service means helping our your community in whatever way you can.
